19th May, 2021
Time to read: 15 mins.
HTTP Security Headers are often the last thing a developer wants to think about when creating a new site but are critical to your website’s security. HTTP Security Header Misconfiguration is featured in the current OWASP Top 10 2017 and even before that in the OWASP Top 10 2013 when it was spread through multiple issues. If you are unfamiliar with OSWAP, I recommend reading about them.
19th November, 2018
Time to read: 4 mins.
Are you a victim of your food routine? Last Wednesday my coworker and I were just about to head out on our lunch break when he mentioned he would once again get a kebab. I mean don’t get me wrong, the kebabs in Matamata are delicious but we have definitely haven’t explored all of the options around us and getting a kebab every day isn’t going to help.
We joked that what we needed is to just pick a random food business around us, and surprisingly after a quick Google search, nothing popped up.
As web developers the next step was obvious, make a super simple food roulette app and deploy it as fast as possible.
4th July, 2018
Time to read: 4 mins.
The idea in creating this blog is that I can record the development of myself as a programmer in the world.
Considering I completed university only a few weeks ago, Hello ‘Real’ World seems like a suitable title for my first post on this blog. Up until now I have been a full time student at Waikato University studying a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Computer Science.
As with any long time goal, finishing it brings on a range of emotions. I’m greatly relieved to not have to continue any math based courses and instead focus on things that I am more passionate about such as Fullstack development and the latest Javascript technologies.
Javascript technologies which for instance can create a fast, responsive portfolio and personal blog in little time while still giving you 100% control.
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