28th November, 2021
Time to read: 10 mins.
When I saw that PHP 8.1 had been released, I thought back to the jump in performance that 8.0 brought, and how far PHP has come from 5.6. Would the 8.1 increase be as dramatic as each minor version of 7 was? I searched online but found very few results benchmarking PHP 8.1 in any meaningful kind of way. Either they had tested 8.1 when it was in alpha stage, some 5+ months ago, or they just made generic statements such as “5-8% faster”.
4th May, 2021
Time to read: 8 mins.
I have stepped away from the 9-5 to work on the family business, but I figure now is a good time to look back and re-examine my learnings from the past 2 years working at a digital agency. I believe the process of working in a relatively small company that is not fixated solely on web development proposes unique challenges and I hope you can take away something new from my experience.
26th February, 2021
Time to read: 4 mins.
After almost 4 months, my Hackoberfest T-Shirt finally made its way to New Zealand! To celebrate, I explain a problem new developers come across when exploring open source technologies, and why it matters.
The journey of any passionate, new developer begins, or quickly finds its way to, Github. Whether for sharing or recycling code, Github holds a monopoly on open source development which makes it almost impossible to avoid. Although I am, and always have been a huge fan of Github, I find these new developers are getting mislead in the sea of stars and forks on what real-world technology looks like.
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