18th March, 2019
Time to read: 14 mins.
Although Google’s Open Source Lighthouse project was integrated into Chrome in early 2017, I had yet to explore and experiment with this feature. It was only after I accidentally stumbled upon it that I realized it provided me with new and interesting insights into my web apps.
For those unfamiliar, Lighthouse is a way to audit a webpage to get Performance, Progressive Web App, Accessibility, Best Practice and SEO feedback all from the comfort of Chrome. Go into the Audit panel in Developer Tools to test it out yourself. Make sure to run it in a private window so plugins don’t interfere!
This blog post is a reflection of what I have learned doing the audit on my portfolio website home page (https://jeremyshaw.co.nz/).
4th July, 2018
Time to read: 4 mins.
The idea in creating this blog is that I can record the development of myself as a programmer in the world.
Considering I completed university only a few weeks ago, Hello ‘Real’ World seems like a suitable title for my first post on this blog. Up until now I have been a full time student at Waikato University studying a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Computer Science.
As with any long time goal, finishing it brings on a range of emotions. I’m greatly relieved to not have to continue any math based courses and instead focus on things that I am more passionate about such as Fullstack development and the latest Javascript technologies.
Javascript technologies which for instance can create a fast, responsive portfolio and personal blog in little time while still giving you 100% control.
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